Virtual Workshop on Multi-Project CI/CD

Abstract submission is now closed.

Scientific software is becoming increasingly modular. While this is boon for reuse, it can lead to maintenance headaches. In particular, the more software an organization develops the more continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) workflows they must maintain. With an increase in modular software, it is anticipated that many organizations will find themselves managing CI/CD for a number of projects. Since these projects are developed by the same organization, these CI/CD workflows tend to have common needs that can be addressed by common solutions.

We founded the Multi-ProjectDevOps project in order to establish best practices for developing and maintaining multi-project CI/CD workflows. While there are a number of online resources covering best practices of CI/CD for a single project, resources dedicated to the maintenance of multi-project CI/CD are more scarce. The goal of this workshop is to bring together CI/CD maintainers in order to identify challenges encountered in developing multi-project CI/CD and to share potential solutions.

Dr. Ryan Richard

Dr. Ryan Richard, is a computational chemist with joint appointments at Ames National Laboratory and Iowa State University. He is chief architect and lead developer of the NWChemEx, an exscale-capable reimplementation of the popular Chemistry code, NWChem. Dr. Richard was recently named a Fellow by the Better Scientific Software Fellowship in support of his efforts to promote mulitproject CI/CD best practices.


The workshop will be held virtually on Google Meet on June 14, 2024 from 1:00- 3:00 CST.


Registration is free. To sign up please fill out this Google form:

Link to registration

and a meeting invite will be emailed to you.


The organizers welcome contributions in two forms:

  1. Contributed presentation, or
  2. Request for Information

Participants are welcome to contribute both a presentation and to answer the request for information.

If you are interested in contributing a presentation, simply provide an abstract when registering. Depending on the number of abstracts received the organizers may need to down select. Participants whose abstracts are selected for presentations will be notified by May 30, 2024.


Time (CST) Title Speaker Affiliation
1:00 - 1:10 Introduction and opening remarks Ryan M. Richard Ames National Laboratory
1:15 - 1:35 Standardized CI and dependency management, a prerequisite to Multi-Project CI? Adrien Bernede Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
1:40 - 2:00 Continuous Integration in the the NWChemEx Stack Jonathan Waldrop Ames National Laboratory
2:05 - 2:55 Birds of a Feather (BoF) session Ryan M. Richard Ames National Laboratory
2:55 - 3:00 Closing remarks Ryan M. Richard Ames National Laboratory

The BoF session is intended to be an open discussion among workshop participants. In attempt to motivate such discussion we have identified a number of prompts:

  1. What tasks do your single, or multi-project, CI/CD pipelines currently perform?
  2. What pieces of CI/CD do you currently reuse among projects?
  3. How are you testing your CI/CD pipelines?
  4. How do you manage dependencies among pipelines?
  5. Have you tried any existing multi-project CI/CD solutions?


TODO: Get funding acknowledgement