Second Virtual Workshop on Multi-Project CI/CD

Abstract submission has been extended to November 29, 2024

The Multi-ProjectDevOps project was founded to establish best practices for decreasing the time needed to deploy multiple high-quality scientific software packages, particularly when the packages share common requirements. Key to these best practices are maintaining continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) workflows. Since the managed packages share common requirements the CI/CD workflows will too. We define a multi-project CI/CD workflow as a CI/CD workflow that can be reused for multiple projects. The purpose of this workshop is to share best practices, lessons learned, and solutions for multi-project CI/CD.

Organizer: Dr. Ryan Richard

Dr. Ryan Richard, is a computational chemist with joint appointments at Ames National Laboratory and Iowa State University. He is chief architect and lead developer of the NWChemEx, an exscale-capable reimplementation of the popular Chemistry code, NWChem. Dr. Richard was recently named a Fellow by the Better Scientific Software Fellowship in support of his efforts to promote mulitproject CI/CD best practices.


The workshop will be held virtually using Webex on December 6, 2024 from 1:00- 3:00 CST.


Registration is free. To sign up please fill out this Google form: Link to registration


During registration you will be asked if you would like to be considered for a presentation. The organizers welcome contributions on topics including:

  • Suggested best practices for multi-project CI/CD
  • Your organization’s current multi-project CI/CD solutions
  • Success stories/lessons learned related to multi-project CI/CD.

Please note presentations will be recorded and made available as a community resource.


Given that no participants submitted an abstract, we have opted to shorten the workshop to one hour. The final agenda is:

Time (CST) Title Speaker (Affiliation)
1:00 - 1:05 Introduction and opening remarks Ryan M. Richard (AMES)
1:05 - 1:25 Multi-Project CI/CD Best Practices Ryan M. Richard (AMES)
1:30 - 1:55 Open Discussion/Additional Questions All
1:55 - 2:00 Concluding remarks Ryan M. Richard (AMES)


TODO: Get funding acknowledgement